O Nagradi
Nagrada “Blažo Mirčevski“ za najbolji rad mladog autora zvanično je uvedena na TELFOR-u 2006. godine sa ciljem da se dodeljuje za radove izložene na narednim Telfor konferencijama. U znak sećanja i poštovanja stručnih i pedagoških pregnuća Blaže Mirčevskog, diplomiranog inženjera elektrotehnike, odseka telekomunikacije, osnovana je Nagrada sa njegovim imenom sa ciljem da vrednuje i dodeli priznanje najboljim mladim istraživačima, inženjerima i drugim BSc autorima. Blažo Mirčevski je tokom svoje stručne karijere nesebično i svestrano brinuo o stručnom razvoju mladih tokom edukacije i početnih koraka u inženjerskoj praksi. Nastojanje porodice Mirčevski, koja je darodavac, je da se stimulišu mladi ljudi u domenu modernih tehnologija da ostvare naučne i stručne doprinose vredne pažnje. Zato je Nagrada osmišljena za prvog autora rada, BSc i višeg stepena obrazovanja, što ujedno predstavlja i promociju samostalnosti mladog stručnjaka.
Nagradu dodeljuje poseban žiri sastavljen od predstavnika porodice Mirčevski i predstavnika Programskog odbora TELFOR-a. Kao eventualni kandidati za nagradu mogu biti predloženi autori mlađi od 30 godina, pod uslovom da su prvi autori prihvaćenih radova i da su lično referisali svoj rad na TELFOR-u. Predlagači mogu biti recenzenti radova, koordinatori sekcija, predsedavajući sesija, članovi Programskog odbora i članovi žirija. Nagrada se objavljuje na WEB stranici TELFOR-a i dodeljuje na prigodnoj svečanosti. Sastoji se od plakete sa biografijom Blaže Mirčevskog i novčanog iznosa u visini jedne pripravničke plate.
Vrednovanje radova uključuje više faktora a neki od važnijih su: inovativnost ideje, uloga mladog autora u istraživanju koje se prezentira u radu, integritet istraživanja (teorijski i praktični deo), sadržaj, struktura i stil pisanog rada, uspešnost izlaganja, kvalitet video prezentacije.
About Award
The “Blažo Mirčevski” award for the best work of a young author was officially introduced at TELFOR in 2006 with the aim of awarding it for works exhibited at future Telfor conferences.
In memory of and respecting the professional and pedagogical efforts of Blaža Mirčevski, a graduate electrical engineer, telecommunications department, an award was established in his name with the aim of evaluating and awarding the best young researchers, engineers and other BSc authors. During his professional career, Blažo Mirčevski selflessly and comprehensively took care of the professional development of young people during education and initial steps in engineering practice. The effort of the Mircevski family, which is a donor, is to stimulate young people in the field of modern technologies to make scientific and professional contributions worthy of attention. That is why the Award was designed for the first author of the paper, BSc and higher education, which also represents the promotion of the independence.
In memory of and respecting the professional and pedagogical efforts of Blaža Mirčevski, a graduate electrical engineer, telecommunications department, an award was established in his name with the aim of evaluating and awarding the best young researchers, engineers and other BSc authors. During his professional career, Blažo Mirčevski selflessly and comprehensively took care of the professional development of young people during education and initial steps in engineering practice. The effort of the Mircevski family, which is a donor, is to stimulate young people in the field of modern technologies to make scientific and professional contributions worthy of attention. That is why the Award was designed for the first author of the paper, BSc and higher education, which also represents the promotion of the independence of the young expert.
The award is given by a special jury composed of representatives of the Mircevski family and representatives of the TELFOR Program Committee. Authors under the age of 30 can be nominated as possible candidates for the award, provided that they are the first authors of accepted papers and that they have personally referred their work to TELFOR. Proposers can be reviewers of works, section coordinators, session chairmen, members of the Program Committee and members of the jury. The award is published on the TELFOR website and awarded at a ceremony. It consists of a plaque with a biography of Blaža Mirčevski and a sum of money in the amount of one internship salary.
The evaluation of papers includes several factors and some of the most important are: innovativeness of the idea, the role of the young author in the research presented in the paper, research integrity (theoretical and practical part), content, structure and style of written work, success, quality of video presentation.
Прва додељена награда припала је Владимиру Орлићу
First awarded prize went to Vladimir Orlic

Dobitnicima nagrada TELFOR-a
Programskom odboru TELFOR-a
Žiriju za nagradu Mirčevski
Naučnom odboru TELFOR-a
Nagrada “Ilija Stojanović”- za najbolji naučni rad na TELFOR-u Programski odbor TELFOR-a 2007 je dodelio nagradu “Ilija Stojanović” za 2007. godinu autorima:
Snežani Stefanovski i Antoniju Đorđeviću
za rad “EMC of Cellular Phones and Electronic Equipment”
Nagrada “Blažo Mirčevski”- za najbolji rad mladog autora na TELFOR-u Žiri je dodelio nagradu “Blažo Mirčevski” za 2007. godinu prvom autoru.
Vladimiru Orliću
za rad “Uobličavanje signala za RR uređaj sa softverski selektabilnim protokom”
Vreme: Ponedeljak, 7.7.2008., 13:00-14:00 časova
Mesto: Kabinet Dekana (94), ETF, Bul. kralja Aleksandra 73, Beograd
Pozivam Vas da svojim prisustvom uveličate svečanost.
S poštovanjem,
Prof. dr Đorđe Paunović, predsednik UO TELFOR-a
The winners of the TELFOR Award
TELFOR Program Committee
Jury for the Mirchevsky Prize
TELFOR Scientific Committee