– the teaching associate at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering in Podgorica.

Slavica Tomović was born in 1991 in Nikšić, Montenegro. In 2012, she received a Bachelor’s degree from the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, University of Montenegro. She received master and PhD degrees at the department of Telecommunication of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, University of Montenegro, in 2015 and 2019 respectively. Her main fields of research are network quality of service management, traffic engineering and software-defined networking. She is currently working on deep learning-based solutions for resource allocation tasks in wireless networks, and blockchain-based digital identity management.

In 2019, she received the award for the best young scientist from the Ministry of Science of Montenegro.

Slavica Tomović has published 37 scientific papers. She is a member of the IEEE Association, and reviewer of several renowned SCI/SCIE journals.

Since September 2014, she has been engaged as a teaching associate at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering in Podgorica.

1. S. Tomovic and I. Radusinovic, “RO-RO: Routing Optimality – Reconfiguration Overhead Balance in Software-Defined ISP Networks,” IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, vol. 37, no. 5, pp. 997-1011, May 2019. doi: 10.1109/JSAC.2019.2906762

2. S. Tomovic and I. Radusinovic, “Toward a Scalable, Robust, and QoS-Aware Virtual-Link Provisioning in SDN-Based ISP Networks,” IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management, vol. 16, no. 3, pp. 1032-1045, Sept. 2019. doi: 10.1109/TNSM.2019.2929161

3. S. Tomovic and I. Radusinovic, “An effective use of SDN for virtual-link provisioning in ISP networks,” IEICE Transactions on Communications, Vol.E102-B, No.4, pp.855-864, April 2019. DOI: 10.1587/transcom.2018EBP3191

4. S. Tomovic and I. Radusinovic, “Mapping Application Requirements to Virtualization-Enabled Software-Defined WSN,” Wireless Personal Communications, Vol. 97, Issue 2, November 2017, 1693-1709. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11277-017-4650-0

5. G. Davoli, W. Cerroni, S. Tomovic, C. Buratti, C. Contoli, F Callegati, “Intent‐based service management for heterogeneous software‐defined infrastructure domains,” International Journal of Network Management, 2019; e2051. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1002/nem.2051

6. S. Tomovic, K. Yoshigoe, I. Maljevic, I. Radusinovic, “Software-Defined Fog Network Architecture for IoT,” Wireless Personal Communications, Vol. 92, No. 1, pp. 181-196, Jan. 2017. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11277-016-3845-0

7. G. Gardasevic, M. Veletic, N. Maletic, D. Vasiljevic, I. Radusinovic, S. Tomovic, M. Radonjic, “The IoT Architectural Framework, Design Issues and Application Domains”, Wireless Personal Communications, Vol. 91, No. 1, pp. 127-148, Jan. 2017. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11277-016-3842-3

8. S. Tomovic, M. Pejanovic-Djurisic, I. Radusinovic, “SDN based Mobile Networks: Concepts and Benefits”, Wireless Personal Communications, Vol. 78, No. 3, pp. 1629-1644, 2014.  DOI:10.1007/s11277-014-1909-6.

1. Tomovic, S. & Radusinovic, I. 2019, “Dynamic optimization of load-balancing and reconfiguration overhead in SD-ISP networks”, Telfor Journal, vol. 11, no. 1, pp. 8-13.

2. S. Tomovic, I. Radusinovic, “A New Approach to QoS-aware and Robust Traffic Engineering in heavily loaded SDN-based ISP Networks”, accepted for publication in ETF Journal of Electrical Engineering, 2019.

3. S. Tomovic, I. Radusinovic, “Traffic Engineering Approach to Virtual-link Provisioning in Software-defined ISP Networks,” Telfor Journal, Vol. 10, No. 1, pp. 14-20, 2018.

4. S. Tomovic, I. Radusinovic, “Extending the lifetime of wireless sensor network with partial SDN deployment”, Telfor Journal, Vol.8, No.1, pp. 8-13, 2016.

5. S. Tomovic, I. Radusinovic, “Energy Efficient Target Coverage in Partially Deployed Software Defined Wireless Sensor Network”, Cognitive Radio Oriented Wireless Networks, Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering, vol. 172, pp.729-740, Jun 2016.

6. Tomovic S., Radonjic M., Radusinovic I., “Quagga Routing Platform: Application and Performance”, ETF Journal of Electrical Engineering, Vol.20, No.1, pp. 126-135, September 2014, ISSN 0354-8653.

7. Tomovic S., M. Radonjic, M. Pejanovic-Djurisic, Radusinovic I., “Software-defined Wireless Sensor Networks: Opportunities and Challenges “, ETF Journal of Electrical Engineering, Vol.21, No.1, pp. 74-83, September 2015, ISSN 0354-8653.

8. G. Gogic, S. Tomovic, I. Radusinovic, “Heterogeneous implementation of OpenFlow data-centre testbed”, ETF Journal of Electrical Engineering, Vol. 23, No. 1, pp. 1-10, November 2017.

1. Tomovic S., Radusinovic I., “Fast and Efficient Bandwidth-delay Constrained Routing Algorithm for SDN Networks”, IEEE NetSoft Conference, pp. 303-311, Seoul, South Korea, June 2016.

2. S. Tomovic et al., “An architecture for QoS-aware service deployment in software-defined IoT networks,” 2017 20th International Symposium on Wireless Personal Multimedia Communications (WPMC), 2017, pp. 561-567.

3. Tomovic S., Lekic N., Gardasevic G., Radusinovic I.,”A New Approach to Dynamic Routing in SDN Networks”, 2016 18th Mediterranean Electrotechnical Conference (MELECON), pp. 1-6, Lemesos, Cyprus, April 2016.

4. Tomovic S., Prasad N., Radusinovic I., “Performance Comparison of QoS Routing Algorithms Applicable to Large-Scale SDN Networks”, Proc. of IEEE Eurocon 2015, pp. 172-177, Salamanca, Spain, September 2015.

5. Tomovic S., Prasad N., Radusinovic I., “SDN Control Framework for QoS Provisioning”, Proc. of 22nd Telecommunication Forum TELFOR 2014, pp. 111-114, Belgrade, Serbia, November 2014.

6. S. Tomovic and I. Radusinovic, “Dynamic Optimization of Load-Balancing and Reconfiguration Overhead in SD-ISP Networks,” 2018 26th Telecommunications Forum (TELFOR), Belgrade, 2018, pp. 1-4.

7. S. Tomovic and I. Radusinovic, “A new prediction based technique for Quality of Service aware Traffic Engineering,” 2019 27th Telecommunications Forum (TELFOR), Belgrade, Serbia, 2019, pp. 1-4.

8. S. Tomovic and I. Radusinovic, “A Novel Deep Q-learning Method for Dynamic Spectrum Access“,  28th Telecommunication Forum (Telfor), Belgrade (online), 2020, pp. 1-4.

9. Tomovic S., Yoshigoe K., Maljevic I., Pejanovic-Djurisic M., Radusinovic I., “SDN-based Concept of QoS-aware Heterogeneous Wireless Network Operation”, Proc. of 22Rd Telecommunication Forum TELFOR 2014, pp. 111-114, Belgrade, Serbia, November 2014.

10. Tomovic S., Radonjic M., Radusinovic I., “Bandwidth-Delay Constrained Routing Algorithms for Backbone SDN Networks”, Proc. of TELSIKS 2015, pp. 227-230, Nis, Serbia, October 2015.

Experience in research projects:
• „Development of the future Internet router on programmable hardware and open-source software platforms“, Montenegrin national ICT project funded by Montenegrin Ministry of Science, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, University of Montenegro, Project member, 2014-2017.

• „Fostering innovation-based research for e-Montenegro – FORe-MONT“, EU FP7 project, project member, 2014-2016.

• „Centre of excellence in bioinformatics – BIO-ICT“, project member, 2014-2017.

• „Network function virtualization of software-defined Internet of Things for smart city applications”, Bilateral project with University Bologna, Project member, 2016-2018.