o radu žirija za Nagradu “Blažo Mirčevski

Za  Nagradu Blažo Mirčevski na TELFOR 2020. se kvalifikovalo 37 radova mladih autora. Predloge recenzenata za Nagradu nosi pet radova. Najbrojnija sekcija je Softverski alati i aplikacije – SAA gde je evidentitano 9 radova.
Posebnost 28. Telfora je bilo online održavanje. Obzirom da je to bilo prvi put da se Telfor u celosti održava online, bilo je normalno očekivati teškoće i nedoumice u organizaciji. Posebna odgovornost je bila na predsedavajućim sesijama i to je proteklo relativno dobro.
Medju 37 radova mladih autora koji su ocenjeni ocenama većim ili jednakim 3, našli su se učesnici ranijih Telfora ali i autori koji se prvi put pojavljuju na Telforu. Poželjno značenje je da naša Konferencija postaje poznata pa i u COVID 19 uslovima.
Online izlaganja su omogućila racionalnije praćenje više radova, bez gubljenje vremena za premeštanje iz sale u salu, i efikasniji uvid u celokupan sadržaj konferencije.
U završnu selekciju su ušla sledeća tri rada:

Rad 1.2. Alper Ozmen, Impact of Minimizing the Eavesdropping Risks on Lifetime of Underwater Acoustic Sensor Networks

Rad 1.3. Slavica Tomović, A Novel Deep Q-learning Method for Dynamic Spectrum Access

Rad 4.2. Piere-Vincent Dugue, In depth study of optical behavior of a novel leaky waveguide deflector

Razmatrajući ova tri rada u najužem izboru, članovi žirija su bili jednoglasni da rad 1.3. Slavice Tomović ima najviše elemenata za Nagradu “Blažo Mirčevski”. Slavica Tomović primenjuje aktuelne analitičko-sintetičke metode istraživanja u okruženju koje nije kompletno orijentisano na “Deep Q-learning” pa su njena istraživanja u toj oblasti, u neku ruku, pionirska. Druga dva rada imaju već razrađenu tehnološku osnovu za svoja istraživanja u okviru matičnih fakulteta. Osim toga, druga dva rada imaju po nekoliko autora pa se  ne može sa sigurnoišću proceniti doprinos prvog autora. Naime, smatramo da je autorski doprinos Slavice Tomović u svom radu značajniji od autorskog dela druge dvojice autora u svojim radovima. Sa aspekta koncepcije Nagrade “Blažo Mirčevski” da ceni rad mladih autora, da ih motiviše i ohrabri da nastave sa svojim pozitivnim naporima, Slavica Tomović je potpuno odgovarajući kandidat.
Neko od recenzenata je već uočio i učinio predlog za Nagradu, za rad 4.2. mladog autora Piere-Vincent Dugue. Žiri posebno ceni proces praktične realizacije po rezultatima simulacije za koju se u zaključku rada kaže da je već u toku pa smatramo da ovaj autor treba da zauzme drugo mesto a rad 1.2. autora Alper Ozmen-a treće mesto. Dakle redosled bi bio sledeći:

1. Slavica Tomović

2. Piere-Vincent Dugue

3. Alper Ozmen

Nagradu “Blažo Mirčevski” za najbolji rad mladog autora na TELFOR-u 2020. osvaja mladi autor Slavica Tomović sa Univerziteta u Podgorici, Crna Gora. Žiri se nada da će autori drugog i trećeg rada da ponove svoje učešće na Telforu pa će biti prilike za novu procenu njihovog doprinosa.

Žiri je ove godine radio u sastavu:

1. PhD Vladimir Orlić, dipl.el.ing. predsednik
2. PhD Marija Malnar dipl.el.ing.
3. PhD Nemanja Zdravković dipl.el.ing.
4. MSc Nikola Popović, dipl.el.ing.
5. Mihajlo Tošović, dipl.el.ing.
6. Julijana Mirčevski, dipl.el.ing.

on the work of the jury for the “Blažo Mirčevski” Award for TELFOR 2020.

37 works by young authors qualified for the Blažo Mirčevski Award at TELFOR 2020. The reviewers’ proposals for the Award are carried out by five papers. The most numerous section is Software tools and applications – SAA, where 9 papers were recorded.

A special feature of the 28th Telfor was online maintenance. Since this was the first time that Telfor was held entirely online, it was normal to expect difficulties and doubts in the organization. Special responsibility was given to the presiding sessions and that went relatively well.

Among the 37 works by young authors that were rated higher or equal to 3 point, there were participants from earlier Telfors, but also authors who appear for the first time at Telfor. It is desirable that our Conference becomes known even in COVID 19 conditi

Online presentations enabled more rational monitoring of more papers, without wasting time moving

The final selection included the following three works:

Work 1.2. Alper Ozmen, Impact of Minimizing the Eavesdropping Risks on Lifetime of Underwater Acoustic Sensor Networks

Work 1.3. Slavica Tomović, A Novel Deep Q-learning Method for Dynamic Spectrum Access

Work 4.2. Piere-Vincent Dugue, In depth study of optical behavior of a novel leaky waveguide deflector

Considering these three papers in the shortlist, the members of the jury were unanimous that the paper 1.3. Slavica Tomović has the most elements for the “Blažo Mirčevski” Award. Slavica Tomović applies current analytical-synthetic research methods in an environment that is not completely oriented towards “Deep Q-learning”, so her research in this area is, in a way, pioneering. The other two papers have already developed the technological basis for their research within the home faculties. In addition, the other two works have several authors each, so the contribution of the first author cannot be estimated with certainty. Namely, we believe that the author’s contribution of Slavica Tomović in his work is more significant than the author’s work of the other two authors in his works. From the aspect of the concept of the “Blažo Mirčevski” Award to appreciate the work of young authors, to motivate them and encourage them to continue with their positive efforts, Slavica Tomović is a completely suitable candidate. Some of the reviewers have already noticed and made a proposal for the Award, for work 4.2. by the young author Piere-Vincent Dugue. The jury especially appreciates the process of practical realization according to the results of the simulation, which in the conclusion of the paper is said to be already in progress, so we believe that this author should take second place and paper 1.2. author Alper Ozmen third place. So the order would be as follows:

1. Slavica Tomovic

2. Pierre-Vincent Dugue

3. Alper Ozmen

The “Blažo Mirčevski” award for the best work of a young author at TELFOR 2020 is won by a young author Slavica Tomović from the University of Podgorica, Montenegro. The jury hopes that the authors of the second and third papers will repeat their participation in Telfor, so there will be opportunities for a new assessment of their contribution.

This year, the jury consisted of:

1. PhD Vladimir Orlić, B.Sc. President
2. PhD Marija Malnar, B.Sc.
3. PhD Nemanja Zdravković, B.Sc.
4. MSc Nikola Popović, B.Sc.
5. Mihajlo Tošović, B.Sc.
6. Julijana Mirčevski, B.Sc.