Pavle Petrović

Personal Information 

Pavle Petrović was born in Belgrade, in 1994.

He completed his BSc and MSc degrees in Electrical Engineering, at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, University of Belgrade, in 2018 and 2019, respectively. He enrolled in a PhD program at the same faculty, in 2019.

From 2018 to 2023 Mr. Petrović was employed in Vlatacom Institute of High Technology, in Belgrade, as a researcher specialized in radar systems. In 2023, he relocated to Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates, where he is currently employed with Vlatacom Technology.
His main areas of interest include applied electromagnetics, antennas and antenna array systems, and signal processing, with a focus on processing of radar signals and signals from antenna arrays. During his time in Vlatacom Institute and Vlatacom Technology, he worked on a number of both research and commercial multidisciplinary projects in the fields of cutting edge radar and communication systems. Solutions provided by the team he belonged to are in regular use in multiple countries around the world. His contributions include both hardware solutions in form of antenna systems and RF hardware, and software solutions in the form of real time signal processing algorithms and system monitoring and control software.

He has co-authored 19 journal and conference papers, and 2 technical solutions.
On two occasions, in 2020 and 2021, he was part of a team that participated in Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) Antennas and Propagation Society (AP-S) student design contest, in which students of graduate and post-graduate levels from around the world designed and manufactured different systems with a focus on antennas. In both cases, the team he was a part of placed in top 6 teams globally.

He is a recipient of several scholarships, grants and student awards:
– Dositeja scholarship award for gifted students, 2012;
– Scholarship from the city of Belgrade 2012;
– IEEE AP-S „C.J. Reddy“ Travel Grant 2022;
– “Blažo Mirčevski“ award for the best paper of a young author at TELFOR 2023  conference.


  • Journal papers:
    P. Petrović
    , B. Džolić, N. Lekić, N. Grbić, A. Ćupurdija, V. Orlić, M. Erić, “Testing RFoF  Link for Transmitting HF-OTHR Signal Between Transmitter and Receiver shelters”, TELFOR Journal, 13(1):13-19, 2021. DOI: 10.5937/telfor2101013P.
    D. Nikolić, N. Stojković,
    P. Petrović, N. Tošić, N. Lekić, Z. Stanković, N. Dončov, “The High Frequency Surface Wave Radar Solution for Vessel Tracking Beyond the Horizon,” Facta Universitatis, DOI:10.2298/FUEE2001037N
  • Conference papers:
    P. Z. Petrović
    , S. V. Savić, A. Ž. Ilić, M. M. Ilić, “FEM Analysis of 1-D Electromagnetic Problems Containing Relativistically Moving Media,” Proc. of TELFOR 2023, Belgrade, Serbia, November 2023. DOI: 10.1109/TELFOR59449.2023.10372726
    N. R. Grbić,
    P. Z. Petrović, N. Lekić, M. Perić, and S. V. Savić,”Radar Cross Section for a Ship with Masts in the High-Frequency Band,” Proc. of TELFOR 2023, Belgrade, Serbia, November 2023. DOI: 10.1109/TELFOR59449.2023.10372745
    P. Z. Petrović, N. R. Grbić, N. Lekić, M. Perić, and S. V. Savić,”Aircraft Detection Range for HF Radar,” Proc. of TELFOR 2023, Belgrade, Serbia, November 2023. DOI:
    P. Z. Petrović, N. R. Grbić, N. Lekić, M. Perić, and S. V. Savić,”Aircraft Detection Using HF Radar,” in Proceedings of 2022 GlobalElectromagnetics Conference (GlobalEM), Abu Dhabi, UAE,November 13-17, 2022.
    N. R. Grbić,
    P. Z. Petrović, N. Lekić, M. Perić, and S. V. Savić,”Influence of mast positioning on ship RCS in HF band,” in Proceedings of 2022 Global Electromagnetics Conference (GlobalEM), Abu Dhabi, UAE, November 13-17, 2022.
    P. Z. Petrović, D. Đokić, N. R. Grbić, N. Milenić, S. V. Savić, M. M. Ilić, “Design and
    Manufacturing of C-Band FMCW Radar,” Denver, Colorado, July 10-15, 2022., pp. 79-80, DOI: 10.1109/AP-S/USNC-URSI47032.2022.9886341.
    A. Đ. Ćupurdija,
    P. Z. Petrović, O. Z. Jakovljević, V. J. Janković, S. V. Savić, M. M. Ilić, “SDR Platform Implementation of DoA Detection Algorithm for Wireless Security Applications,” Denver, Colorado, July 10-15, 2022., pp. 1560-1561, DOI: 10.1109/AP-S/USNCURSI47032.2022.9886050.
    P. Z. Petrović, S. V. Savić, M. M. Ilić, “Electromagnetic Modelling of Micro-Doppler Signatures of Commercial Airborne Drones”, The 29th Telecommunication forum TELFOR 2021, Belgrade, Serbia, November 23-24, 2021., pp. 382-385, DOI: 10.1109/TELFOR52709.2021.9653308.
    P. Petrović, B. Džolić, N. Lekić, N. Grbić, A. Ćupurdija, V. Orlić, M. Erić, “Testing RFoF Link for Transmitting HF-OTHR Signal Between Transmitter and Receiver shelters”, Proc. of TELFOR 2020, Belgrade, Serbia, November 2020. DOI: 10.1109/TELFOR51502.2020.9306559.
    N. Grbić,
    P. Petrović, A. Ćupurdija, N. Lekić, S. Savić, “The Influence of Different Realization of Ground Plane on a Characteristic of HFSWR Transmitter Monopole Array, ” IcETRAN 2020, Beograd (Banja Luka, Beograd, Čačak, Niš, Novi Sad), Serbia, September 28-29, 2020.
    P.Petrović, N. Grbić, N. Stojković, D. Nikolić, N. Lekić, “Implementation of algorithm for excision of point targets from distributed radar detections,” Proc. of IcETRAN 2019, Srebrno Jezero, Serbia, pp. 1000-1004, June 3-6, 2019.
    N. Grbić,
    P. Petrović, D. Nikolić, N. Stojković, V. Orlić, “Analysis of Different Window Function Effects of DBF in HFSWR Signal Processing, ”Proc. of IcETRAN 2019, Srebrno Jezero, Serbia, pp. 1005-1008, June 3-6, 2019.
    S. Puzović, Z. Čiča, I. Gluvačević,
    P. Petrović, D. Nikolić, “HFSWR Performance Analyses in a Typical Equatorial Environment, “2019 14TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ADVANCED TECHNOLOGIES, SYSTEMS AND SERVICES IN TELECOMMUNICATIONS (TELSIKS 2019),2019., pp. 248-252.
    N. Stojković, D. Nikolić,
    P. Petrović, N. Tošić, I. Gluvačević, N. Stojiljković, N. Lekić, “An Implementation of DBF and CFAR Models in OTHR Signal Processing,” Proc of CSPA 2019, Penang, Malaysia, pp. 7-11, March 8-9, 2019, DOI: 10.1109/CSPA.2019.8695974
    D. Nikolić, N. Tošić, B. Džolić, N. Grbić,
    P. Petrović, A. Đurđević, N. Lekić, “Tailoring OTHR Deployment in Order to Meet Conditions in Remote Equatorial Areas,” Proc of CSPA 2019, Penang, Malaysia, pp. 12-15, March 8-9, 2019, DOI: 10.1109/CSPA.2019.8696093
    P. Petrović, N. Grbić, B. Džolić, N. Lekić, M. Perić, “Software for Monitoring of Direct Path Test Data for HFSW Over the Horizon Radar,” Proc. of IcETRAN 2018, Palić, Serbia, pp. 1244-1247, June 11-14, 2018.
    N. Grbić,
    P. Petrović, N. Stevanović, B. Dzolić, D. Nikolić, N. Lekić, “Simulacija radarske površine brodova u kratkotalasnom frekventnom opsegu,” Proc. of ETRAN 2018, Palić, Serbia, pp. 126-129, June 11-14, 2018. Comment: The paper was written in Serbian language, translated to English the title is: Simulation of radar cross section of ships in High Frequency band.
  • Technical solutions:
    P. Petrović
    , N. Grbić, A. Ćupurdija, B. Džolić, V. Orlić, N. Lekić, M. Erić, (2022), “Unapređenje robusnosti prenosa predajnog signala radara za posmatranje izvan linije horizonta”. (eng. Improvements of robustness of transmit signal distribution in Over-the-Horizon radar)
    D. Marjanović, B. Džolić, N. Lekić, N. Grbić,
    P. Petrović, M. Perić, V. Orlić, (2022), „Softverski alat za projektovanje i vizualizaciju sistema za pomorski nadzor“. (eng. Software tool for design and visualisation of systems for maritime surveillance)